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How does AdWords data-driven attribution give credit for conversions?

How does AdWords data-driven attribution give credit for conversions?

  • It uses your unique account data and machine learning technology to distribute credit between ad clicks according to which touchpoints were most critical to the conversion.
  • It gives 40 percent credit to the first click and spreads the remaining 60 percent across all other clicks in the conversion path.
  • It uses the linear model to credit conversions equally across all clicks on the path.
  • It gives more credit to clicks that happened closer to the conversion.

Correct answer is:

  • It uses your unique account data and machine learning technology to distribute credit between ad clicks according to which touchpoints were most critical to the conversion.

Explanation: Unlike standard position- or rules-based attribution models, Data-Driven Attribution uses actual data from your Analytics account to generate a custom model for assigning conversion credit to marketing touchpoints throughout the entire customer journey.
Read more here: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/3264076

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